Violinist’s Paddington Home Sold for $835,000; Proceeds Going to Charity

The home of a virtuoso violinist and architect in Paddington has sold for $835,000, and all the proceeds of the sale will go to charity.

Violinist Moshlo Shaw, who died in 2015, requested in his will that all proceeds of the auction be given to Doctors without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres), a globally renowned humanitarian medical aid organisation. He was known to be a compassionate human being, so the request did not come as a surprise. Moshlo arrived in Australia with his family when he was still a kid seeking refuge from World War II.

The 81 Tooth Avenue house is a 4-bedroom property with large verandas, French doors and a large dance studio, which Moshlo built due to his passion for tango.

The property was marketed as a gracious colonial home and is considered to be a bargain, considering its size and amenities. The auction price was also lower than the $964,500 median house price in Paddington.

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